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Artifact 1

For English 4, one of the books we read was The Crying of Lot 49. Afterwards, we were supposed to do a final project that reflected our understanding of the book.
Because one of the elements of the book that we focused on in class was Thomas Pynchon's use of hypertext, I decided that would be a good point to focus on.
What I did was go through the book and find 3 examples of hypertext from each chapter and then create a website where I could turn those examples into literal hypertext that could be clicked on. Once the viewer clicks on the hypertext, they are re-directed to a new web page that gives background information on the example, thus educating them on the purpose of it being used. This gives the reader a better understanding of the novel as a whole.
My website can be viewed by clicking the link below:

Veronica Hollister